Friday, May 22, 2009

Thank God for new generations

The birth of my 14th grandchild has impressed upon me the narrow
window of time allotted to all of us. It's pretty amazing to think that this little child could someday be my last link to living memory. Already the little older children have nearly forgotten my father-in-law who passed away last spring. And none have recollection of my father, gone now for 24 years. Of course, it's age that presents these truths so brutally, life just a vapor. But, the assurance of God's timetable and plan helps soften brittle reality. We know we are here for God's purpose, be it brief or extended. Purpose is on every church going mind these days and it may be hazardous to so rigidly adhere to the idea that we can know the plan of God, even nudge His hand to meet our expectations. Let it suffice to say that man has his plans, but God is THE Planner and it is reasonable to assume He may not divulge His entire game. He comforts us with the assurance that He will "finish the work", which lines up with other advice - to "rest in Him." Be cautious about much discussion and dissension - but always ready to give a word of encouragement. Here's one: Kevin, you and Sara are truly blessed and a blessing.

1 comment:

  1. I know that now you have 14 of us but I'll always remember that you are "my papa"
    Im never gonna forget all the things you do for me and all the wonderful advice that you have given me and you have helped me through alot. We have have some pretty great memories.
    Can't Wait to Make more!!!
    Love you,
